Thursday, June 10, 2010

Turkey joins Iran to lead Arabs against U.S.

Turkey joins Iran to lead Arabs against U.S.
Richard Shulman

Turkey has returned to the “East.” It aspires again to lead Islam, starting by joining with Iran to lead the Arabs against the U.S.. Turkey’s Prime Minister Erdogan has become most popular among the Arabs by grandstanding against Israel about the flotilla.

Examples: "The heart of humanity has taken one of her heaviest wounds in history." "Bloody massacre." "spilling the blood of innocent humans." "in the history of humanity this has been recorded as a major shame." "a despicably cowardly and vicious act." “Turkey, unlike Israel, bellowed Erdogan, is not an ‘adolescent, rootless state.’" "As precious as Turkey's partnership is, so harsh will be her hostility." "Today is a turning point in history. Nothing will ever be the same again."

Turkey’s Foreign Minister Davutoglu called the Israeli raid “murder,” but N. Korea’s sinking of a S. Korean ship only of “great concern.”

Although Erdogan claims the government inspected the ship, only the Turkish ship resisted boarding, and it had Islamists possessing “clubs, wrist rockets that fire deadly projectiles, switchblades and military-style night vision equipment.”

By contrast with Erdogan’s warmongering, Davutoglu urged the West to drop sanctions against Iran.

Turkey probably is emboldened by the lack of U.S. leadership and its bias when it does lead. By pressuring only the Israeli side of the Arab-Israel conflict, Obama encourages hostile demagogues to pile on Israel. Obama let a nuclear resolution single out Israel, which is not violating any nuclear rules, and omit Iran, which is.

Considering Hamas’ subservience to Iran, ending the sea blockade of Gaza would give Iran a port in the Mediterranean. Can’t America see the harm in that? (IMRA, 6/8/10).

As more dangerous weapons proliferate, and as the planet's resources dwindle, these power politics become more counter-productive. How do we curb primitive, anti-social attitudes in this technological age?

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